Good fighting cocks are found in Pakistan and also in Thailand and many other countries. Currently Thai and Burmese cocks are very popular in Pakistan for fighting cocks of all countries. The methods are slightly different. The methods of fighting different cocks are also different and these countries are often identified by their fighting methods, which country's cock it is. Pakistan's cocks fight directly in front of Thai. Land and Burmese die-backs tend to hold their own a lot in a fight.

German chickens are very beautiful to see. Many people in Pakistan like these chickens very much. Shamu comes from other countries besides Germany. These chickens are very special and unique in their beauty. These chickens are found in different colors but their standing style structure is almost same, their body shape is very beautiful and very different and very prominent. become

Asil chickens in Pakistan are beautiful and good, because of their colors and their body structure, they are considered different and better than each other. While some chickens are short in stature
 and underweight.